The Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) serves as an attempt to create a harmonious and balanced relationship between the Company and the general public and the specific society dwelling around the Company’s project sites and Head Office building. In addition, the CSR is also established as a moral obligation to the shareholders, stakeholders, government, and other related parties.
In its implementation, the CSR is conducted in accordance with Article 74 of Law No. 40 year 2007 on Limited Liability Company which states that the implementation of Corporate Social Responsibility sets its goal to create harmonious relationship with environment, values, norms and culture of local people. According to World Business Council on Sustainable Development, CSR reflects the Company’s commitment to maintain ethical conduct and contribute to the sustainable economic development, while at the same time improving the living standards of its employees and their families, local community and public.
On the other hand, the Company strives to maintain the balance between business practice and environmental preservation. To conclude, TOTAL’s CSR implementation refers to the principle of Triple Bottom Line. The Triple Bottom Line or “3P” is aspect that the Company seeks to achieve by remaining focused on seeking for profit to provide economic benefit to all stakeholders (profit) yet at the same time, maintaining balance by contributing to social welfare (people) and preserving environment (planet).
Based on such understanding, we are fully committed to assuming active role in developing a sustainable economy in order to improve society’s living standards and environment that benefit the Company, local community, and the future generation. That commitment is materialized by the conduct of various Corporate Social Responsibility programs in a focused, well-programmed and consistent manner.
In the Company’s CSR concept, TOTAL tries to forge a positive interaction between the Company and the society around the project sites. TOTAL realizes that in every project activity, there needs to be a significant contribution in economic, social and environmental aspects. Therefore, every project manager is given the full authority to think and design a certain real contribution to the society around their project sites. All project managers, under the coordination of project director, have to think creatively what the society really needs, and also design a program concept to minimize any negative impacts that the projects may have caused to the people. Throughout the CSR, TOTAL continuously tries to not only seek mere material profit, but also aim to contribute something useful and influential to the general public. TOTAL believes that, in the pursuit of operational excellence, a company’s value of success parameter lies within their perception and attitude toward the moral principles and business ethics, without causing any harm to the society, environment, and employees.